Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hiya, listen, for those that have left comments here, I TRUELY apreciate them. I have not been able to reply on here for a long time now due to some thing with the password. I can psot but not reply with a commet on my own Blog, lol. I have read all of them and due to that I get many emails because alot of people know that. So no ones ignoring anyone here, lol.

Never ridden better and the lap times prove it, due to the amzing amount of support from everyone!



Blogger honda39man said...

Hey Nate, I live in Harrisburg,NC im 15 years old. ive been roadracing for 3 years and ive just purchased an R6 to race CCS with. Im taking the California Superbike School with it in September. I want to race for a living. Any pointers?

9:54 AM  
Blogger Leroi said...


Wishing you the best on that big boy BMW...I come from a background of inline fours, and after riding the K1200s some time ago, I'm still grinning. I now own a GS 1200 Adventure, come to love the boxer more and more every time I ride it. It's amazing the difference in style and power but still all very enjoyable...my son Beau you met last year @ the NYC Bike show often asks how you are doing...he was very sorry to hear you hit the ground so hard, as I was. But were glad your backup and doing your thing!

You are an inspiration and can't wait to hear about the many still to come wins and podiums!


11:14 AM  

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